The First Surf

It may not be the first surf at all, but this is the first surf I capture this year. There must have been some surfs before  in Krui this early year because I often spot some surfers riding their bikes with some surf boards in the street. The season may begin next month though.
However, when I checked the surf this morning, I saw some people out in the water. And when I arrived at Krui Left at about 9 o’clock, I saw the surf was working small but perfect. However, there was nobody surfing. But when I turned to The Peak, I saw three body boarders from Reunion Island, two in the water and one at the beach taking videos.

The morning was beautiful and the tide was high. It was just the perfect time for surfing. The Peak was about two and a half feet, and the three people from the Reunion Island enjoyed the surf very much for themselves. And till I left the beach at about 10 o’clock there was no one else coming, and Krui Left was still empty.

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