(Scroll down to see English translation)
Menulis bagi sebagian orang adalah hobi. Begitu juga bagi saya. Menulis bagi saya adalah sarana untuk menimbulkan rasa senang, sebuah cara melarikan diri dari kejenuhan, dari masalah-masalah rutin yang bisa menimbulkan kebosanan. Menulis adalah sebuah pelarian, juga sebuah rekreasi.
Menulis bagi sebagian orang adalah hobi. Begitu juga bagi saya. Menulis bagi saya adalah sarana untuk menimbulkan rasa senang, sebuah cara melarikan diri dari kejenuhan, dari masalah-masalah rutin yang bisa menimbulkan kebosanan. Menulis adalah sebuah pelarian, juga sebuah rekreasi.
Menulis adalah juga sebuah sarana untuk mengaktualisasikan diri. Sebuah cara untuk menunjukkan siapa diri kita. Sebuah tempat untuk menyampaikan aspirasi dan pandangan kita. Seseorang boleh saja pintar setinggi langit, tetapi kalau dia tidak bisa menulis, maka dia akan hilang ditelan masa, demikian kata pengarang kenamaaan Pramoedya Ananta Toer.
Menulis adalah kepuasan bathin. Menyaksikan huruf-huruf bermunculan satu sama lain, susul menyusul di layar komputer, dicumbu oleh jari jemari kita yang menari di atas keyboard adalah sebuah sensasi. Dan sensasi itu semakin sempurna apabila tulisan kita berhasil dimuat disurat khabar. Menyaksikan nama kita tercetak di surat khabar cetak adalah sebuah kenikmatan tiada tara , yang tidak bisa digantikan oleh capaian apa pun yang pernah kita buat.
Menulis adalah kepuasan bathin. Menyaksikan huruf-huruf bermunculan satu sama lain, susul menyusul di layar komputer, dicumbu oleh jari jemari kita yang menari di atas keyboard adalah sebuah sensasi. Dan sensasi itu semakin sempurna apabila tulisan kita berhasil dimuat di
Menulis tidak harus yang berat-berat, apalagi menulis di blog pribadi. Menulis sesuatu yang ringan-ringan juga berguna. Tulisan ringan berupa curahan pikiran pribadi, atau curhat, adalah sesuatu yang berguna untuk di-share pada orang lain. Curhat yang kita tulis adalah sesuatu yang spesifik, sesuatu yang khas, yang unik, yang hanya berlaku pada diri kita sendiri, sehingga bisa dijadikan cerminan, atau inspirasi bagi orang lain yang membacanya. Dengan kata lain, biarlah blog pribadi menjadi cerminan jiwa dan kepribadian seseorang.
Tidak ada tulisan yang tidak berharga. Apa pun yang kita tulis pasti ada gunanya, sekurang-kurangnya untuk menunjukkan siapa diri kita, bagaimana pandangan kita, dan kepribadian kita.
Tentu saya tidak bermaksud mengatakan tulisan-tulisan dalam blog saya ini bermutu, sama sekali tidak. Namun saya berusaha menulis sesuatu yang berguna untuk diketahui, yang bukan hanya seledar curhat.
Untuk itulah, banyak dari tulisan-tulisan di blog saya ini yang merupakan terjemahan dari beberapa media asing, yang saya ambil dari berbagai sumber. Bukan terjemahan yang baik karena saya masih belajar menerjemahkan.
Menerjemahkan bagi saya adalah juga bagian dari proses belajar menulis juga, atau mengembangkan diri dalam dunia tulis menulis. Belajar menulis dengan menerjemahkan bisa memperluas cakrawala kemampuan kita dalam tulis menulis. Banyak hal yang kita bisa pelajari dari menerjemahkan, di samping materi ilmu yang terkandung dalam tulisan yang kita terjemahkan tersebut, kita juga mendapat pelajaran tentang bahasa dan gaya dan teknik menulis dari penulis asing.
Blog ini adalah sebuah blog nonprofit. Kritik dan saran dari pembaca semua sangat saya harapkan untuk perbaikan blog ini di masa yang akan datang.
WRITING is a hobby for some people, and
so is for me. Writing for me is a way to
have fun, a way of escaping from boredom, from routine activities that can lead
to depresions. Writing is an escape, as well as a recreation.
Writing is also a means to actualize oneself. A tool to show who we are. A place to express our views and aspirations. Someone can be remarkably intelligent, but if he can not write, then he will be lost in time, says the renown Indonesian author Pramoedya Ananta Toer.
There I discovered the fun of writing, something that I can not find on other activities. Writing also enlighten one's mind, like a refreshing, walking in the open air, enjoying the fresh air, wandering in the jungle, or being caught up with the wind on a cool beach.
Writing is a spiritual satisfaction. Watching the letters popping up with one another, following one after another on the screen, teased by our fingers dancing across the keyboard is a sensation. And the sensation is more perfect if what we write is published on a paper. Watching your names on print is an incomparable pleasure, that can not be replaced by any other achievement we could probably have made.
Writing a blog is something unique and special, something typical, as well as personal. Your authority to edit the layout and the contents of your blog gives you special satisfaction that you'll never get in any other kind of writing or publishing. Blog writing is a way to express yourself, it's more than just a matter of publishing.
Writing does not have to be serious. Write something trivial is also useful. Trivial writing that outpouring personal thoughts, or giving vent for them, is something that is also useful to be shared with others. Writing your mind is something specific, something peculiar, unique to others, so that it could be used as a reflection of, or inspiration for people who read it.
No posts are not valuable. Whatever you write, it must have a point, at least something as to show who we are, how we view, and what your personality is like.
Some people think that writing in print media is more prestigious than writing in online media. It’s no wrong since articles in print media are generally sorted out through a rigorous selection of hundreds or even thousands of incoming dispatches before they are published. While in online media, especially personal blogs, there is no such selection. However, it does not mean that the online media is not qualified. Many articles published on a personal blog are of good quality as their print media counterparts.
Of course I'm not saying the articles in my blog are good, not at all. But I try to write something useful for people, too, not only trivial things that come out of my mind.
For this reason, many articles on my blog are translations from foreign media, on various topics, while some others are English articles that I write on purpose of promoting my hometown as a traveling destination, as surfing tourism keeps growing and becoming more and more popular in my home county, although the articles are not well written because English is not my native language.
Translating for me is also part of the process of learning writing, or developing writing skills. Learning writing by translating may expand one's horizon of writing. By translating, we can learn many things. Besides the scientific contents of the articles that we translate, we also get a lesson about language and writing styles and techniques from foreign authors.
Writing is also a means to actualize oneself. A tool to show who we are. A place to express our views and aspirations. Someone can be remarkably intelligent, but if he can not write, then he will be lost in time, says the renown Indonesian author Pramoedya Ananta Toer.
There I discovered the fun of writing, something that I can not find on other activities. Writing also enlighten one's mind, like a refreshing, walking in the open air, enjoying the fresh air, wandering in the jungle, or being caught up with the wind on a cool beach.
Writing is a spiritual satisfaction. Watching the letters popping up with one another, following one after another on the screen, teased by our fingers dancing across the keyboard is a sensation. And the sensation is more perfect if what we write is published on a paper. Watching your names on print is an incomparable pleasure, that can not be replaced by any other achievement we could probably have made.
Writing a blog is something unique and special, something typical, as well as personal. Your authority to edit the layout and the contents of your blog gives you special satisfaction that you'll never get in any other kind of writing or publishing. Blog writing is a way to express yourself, it's more than just a matter of publishing.
Writing does not have to be serious. Write something trivial is also useful. Trivial writing that outpouring personal thoughts, or giving vent for them, is something that is also useful to be shared with others. Writing your mind is something specific, something peculiar, unique to others, so that it could be used as a reflection of, or inspiration for people who read it.
No posts are not valuable. Whatever you write, it must have a point, at least something as to show who we are, how we view, and what your personality is like.
Some people think that writing in print media is more prestigious than writing in online media. It’s no wrong since articles in print media are generally sorted out through a rigorous selection of hundreds or even thousands of incoming dispatches before they are published. While in online media, especially personal blogs, there is no such selection. However, it does not mean that the online media is not qualified. Many articles published on a personal blog are of good quality as their print media counterparts.
Of course I'm not saying the articles in my blog are good, not at all. But I try to write something useful for people, too, not only trivial things that come out of my mind.
For this reason, many articles on my blog are translations from foreign media, on various topics, while some others are English articles that I write on purpose of promoting my hometown as a traveling destination, as surfing tourism keeps growing and becoming more and more popular in my home county, although the articles are not well written because English is not my native language.
Translating for me is also part of the process of learning writing, or developing writing skills. Learning writing by translating may expand one's horizon of writing. By translating, we can learn many things. Besides the scientific contents of the articles that we translate, we also get a lesson about language and writing styles and techniques from foreign authors.
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