If you are interested in Nature Conservation of any kind, you can go to Balai Konservasi Laut Kabupaten Lampung Barat (Sea Conservation Center of West Lampung County). It is located in Ngambur, about 25 km South of Karang Nyimbur, and about 53 km South of Krui town.
The Sea Conservation Center has some conservation program like conserving turtle, dolphin, coral reef, etc. Here at this Center you can see turtle propagation progran like turtle's egg-hatching, breeding, etc.
Of the seven sea turtle species existing in the world, five of them live and breed in the district of West Lampung (Lampung Barat). The five species of sea turtles is 1) Hawksbill Turtle (Erethmochelys imbricata) 2) Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) 3) BelimbingTurtle (Dermochelys Coreacea) 4) Lekang Turtle (Lepidochelys Olivaceae) 5) Tempayan Turtle (Caretta Caretta).
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