Flight from Bandarlampung to Krui Will Cost Rp.320,000

Cessna C208B Grand Caravan

The regent of Lampung Barat District Mukhlis Basri held a meeting with Susi Air the airline that will hold the pioneer flights from Bandarlampung to Krui and from Krui to Bengkulu at Pangandaran, West Java, Saturday, January 12, 2013.

The meeting followed the talk about a joint operation scheme between the local government and the airline. The Head of Public Information Service of Lampung Barat District Burlian Eka Putra said that the Director of the airline Susi Pudjiastuti had asserted that the flights from Krui to Bandarlampung and from Krui to Bengkulu are planned to be twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday.

The tickets for the flight from Bandarlampung to Krui would cost around Rp.320,000 while the ticket from Krui to Bengkulu would be about Rp.297,000. The flights will be using a Cessna C208B which can take 12 passengers.

Apart from that, Burlianto said, the Director of Susi Air also talked about the joint operation scheme  between the local government of Lampung Barat and the airline to hold some other flights from Krui to Jakarta. This commercial flights will be held four times a week, every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. However, both parties are yet to talk about the schedule and the fare of the flight.

However, Mukhlis Basri hopes that the plan would be materialized by mid of March at the latest.

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