Small everywhere; that’s
how Krui surfs this morning. When I arrived at the beach at 9 past something,
Krui Left was working small with about four people in the water. It didn’t look
interesting at all and nobody seen at the beach. So I left the place for
I guessed Mandiri
would be good, but turned out, it was like a mess and lumpy. And at the time
when I arrived, I saw only three people in the water. Where was everybody?
Just at the time I arrived
at Mandiri, I saw a white van going out of a camp carrying some tourist surfers
and boards on top of it. They were heading to Karang Nyimbur.
After taking a look
for a few minutes, I left Mandiri, heading to Karang Nyimbur. And when I arrived
there I saw the white van parking near the alley. They are from Australia. And it
was their first day, a humble first day I guessed because the surf was small.
Yeah, even Karang
Nyimbur was small this morning; it was about two and a half foot. And at the
time when I arrived, there were about fifteen people in the water.
Back to Krui Left, I found
it was bigger with more people. Four surfers that I met here yesterday came
back surfing again.
Krui Left was pretty
much similar to yesterday; it was short and powerless with about the same
number of surfers out. Some other surfers came over by bikes to have a look,
but they left after a few minutes. And when I left the place at about 12 o’clock,
there were about four people left in the water.
PS: This pictures are all of Karang Nyimbur.
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