Though Krui is tropical, and there is no winter in there, do
not expect that the weather is always hot. In dry season it can be cold too.
But it’s not as cold as the winter in snowy western countries. The lowest
temperature in Krui is about 21-230C.
This year, dry season started in early August and goes on to
September. There has been no heavy rain in this last month. Ground grass is
dying. The road is dirty. The house wells dry. The people are lack of clean
water. And it’s cold at night. Drought season is no fun ….
And so it is for some Spanish people who I met at Krui Left
the other day.
“Hell. Why is it so cold today?” asked a man who stood by
me. He was watching some surfers at the Left. He didn’t surf because he
couldn’t stand the cold water. “I was here this time last year. It wasn’t
“It’s drought season, Mister,” I replied.
“Is it always cold in drought season?”
“How long will it last?”
“May be in one or two weeks.”
“Is it the same as everywhere in Indonesia ? Bali ?
Lombok ?”
“Yes. It’s the same everywhere.”
He nodded. He seemed to understand. I wonder why a European
man like him feel too cold in a tropical country like Indonesia .
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