Krui surfs were
working this morning, but it wasn’t like fun and only few people out. When I arrived
at the beach at about 9 o’clock, Krui Left was working with about five people
seen in the water. However, the waves were like powerless, not enough power to
push and were kind of short. The wind was like blowing from south-east.
Krui Right was even
worse. It was small with nobody out. But when I turned to The Peak, I saw it working
the same powerless with four people seen in the water.
And when I came back
to The Left at about 10 o’clock, it was like bigger with no more people out. The
five people that I saw earlier were left four. And at about 11:30, all the four
surfers got out of the water, and there came two local surfers to replace. And the
two locals were still in the water at the time when I left the beach at about
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