October Fest 4: Mandiri Beach Break

Well, this is the first time I take pictures at Mandiri surf in this last few centuries. I took some pictures there long ago, but it’s been a long time since my last visit. I came back there a few times though, but I found the surf not working. Probably I was too late and Mandiri surf was winding down because the surf works better earlier in the morning and I always got there at 9 past something.

However, when I got there at about 08:10, I found the surf was working with a lot of surfers in the water. And there were a lot of swells about three feet high and the surfers seemed busy handling the waves one after another. It was fun although it was a bit closed-out because the wind was a bit onshore. But this surfers that I met told me that it was much better and bigger earlier in the morning for it had been offshore. “The wind change from time to time. It was a matter of nature,” one of the surfer said. “But it was offshore at the point where I am staying. And there must be a lot of surfers surfing there” he added.  

The surf continue working up to 9:30 but the surfers were mellowed out. And when I left the place there was still two surfers left in the water.

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