There was a lot of fun
at Krui Surf this morning. When I arrived at the beach at about 9:05, Krui Left
was working quite big, about three foot, with about ten people out in the water.
Krui Right was smaller and nobody out. The tide was high and the weather was
Later in the morning,
at about ten o’clock, more people coming. Some of them just checked the swells
while some others just went straight into the water. About five people got out
of the water, and another five got in, so the number remained at about ten.
Even later, more
people coming by bikes. And the surfers turned over. And at the time when I left
the place at about 11:30, there were about eight people in the lineup, and some
other were about to start getting into the water.
PS: This guys from Karang Nyimbur told me that
it was big down there, but Mandiri was kind of a mess.
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