Krui Putra Bus

TRAVELING by yourself means you have to manage your own transport. While chartering a taxi or renting a car is expensive, then a bus is a smart choice. Krui Putra is the only regular bus you can take to get to Krui and away, from Jakarta or from Bandarlampung.

If you start from Jakarta, you can take Krui Putra at Kalideres bus station or Kampung Rambutan bus station. Kampung Rambutan bus station is in east Jakarta, while Kalideres bus station is in west Jakarta. If you land on Sukarno-Hatta airport, then Kalideres bus station is closer than Kampung Rambutan.

Krui Putra regularly start from these two bus stations to Krui twice a day, at 11 and at 14 o’cock. You can take either a regular bus (Non-AC) or an AC bus, a long bus with 58 seats or a regular one with 30 seats. The regular bus with 30 seats usually starts at 11, while the long bus starts at 14. If you are taller than Indonesian average, you'd better take the long bus, so you'll have enough space for your long legs. If you miss the bus for the day, you need to take a different bus to Bandarlampung.

And if you take another flight from Jakarta to Bandarlampung, then you can start from Rajabasa bus station. Rajabasa bus station is about fifteen minutes drive from Raden Intan airport in Bandarlampung. You can take a taxi from the airport to Rajabasa bus terminal. From this terminal, Krui Putra start to Krui many times a day, whether in the morning and in the afternoon. For your convenience, you’d better arrive in Bandarlampung airport earlier in the morning, so you can start your trip to Krui no later than 12 o’clock so as to get to Krui at about 6 or 7 o’clock at night, so you have enough time to sleep for your very first day.

Krui Putra (AC)/
Boarding Krui Putra, make sure that the bus man take good care of your surfboards. You can ask the man to top load your surfboards on the baggage on top of the bus, you can say, “Barang rapuh. Taruh di tempat paling atas” (fragile stuff, put on the very top). Since the bus men have done this a lot, they know what to do, but it’s not useless to remind them.

On its trip from Jakarta to Krui, Krui Putra will stop for a transit at Bandarlampung for about one hour, not to mention a two hour stop in the ferry from Java to Sumatera. In the ferry, the bus park at the lowest deck, so the passengers need to get off the bus until she gets over Sumatera. It takes at least two hours to ferry over from Merak in Java to Bakauheni in Sumatera. Passengers of the buses usually go upstairs to the higher decks for some fresh air. In Bandarlampung transit, you can have meals or something to drink. Try not to have a meal or to buy something to eat or to drink in the ferry for they are very expensive.

A trip from Rajabasa bus terminal to Krui will stop once at a restaurant so the passengers can have a meal or take a rest for about an hour.

Two Ways

There are two ways to get to Krui from Bandarlampung as Krui Putra does. The first way is Bandarlampung-Liwa-Krui. And the second way is Bandarlampung-Kota Agung-Krui. Bandarlampung-Liwa-Krui takes through the hills, it is longer with more winding roads and abrupt turns.While Bandarlampung-Kota Agung-Krui is shorter and strighter. Just about 100 km before Krui on this route, the roads run through the coastlines. You can check the waves from your bus seat here and there if you sit on the left side. Krui people prefer to take Bandarlampung-Kota Agung-Krui route for it is shorter and more convenient. If you want to get off at Karang Nyimbur all at once, you need to take this route (via Kota Agung route) because the bus will pass the place right before it gets Krui. Ask the bus men in Rajabasa bus terminal whether the bus take this route is still available for the day or not. However, sometime the bus is subject to change the route when there is a block or a cut off on the road. If one way is blocked or cut off because of landslide or flood, then the bus take the other way.

However, if you take a through bus from Jakarta to Krui, it will go via the hill only, via Liwa, the next town of Krui ( so you'll miss the chance to get off right at the surf, at Karang Nyimbur). Anda then you have to get off at Krui, and continue your journey to Karang Nyimbur by a taxi.

Western Coastline of South Sumatera; A: Liwa, B: Kota Agung, C: Krui

To Bengkulu

Krui Putra also goes to Bengkulu once a day, everyday, but you'll have to wait for the bus to arrive from Jakarta (the route of the bus is Jakarta-Krui-Bengkulu). In Krui, the bus to Bengkulu starts from the bus office next two doors from Sempana Lima, near the Blue Marlin column. You need to ask the bus man at the office what time the bus will start because sometimes the time changes as the time she takes from Jakarta change. Then you need to make a reservation.

Important Words

Lewat Liwa: Via Liwa
Lewat Kota Agung: Via Kota Agung
Jalan putus: The road cut off, or blocked
Jalan licin: The road is slippery
I need to get off at Karang Nyimbur: Saya mau turun di Karang Nyimbur

comment 28 comments:

Upi on July 3, 2011 at 5:50 PM said...

Halo Pak Hasim apa kabar ?
Mau tanya, kalau ke Krui lewat kota Agung kira-kira berapa jam dari Bandar lampung ? Apakah kondisi jalan bagus ?
Kalau naik bus dari Kalideres, berapa jam sampai ke Krui ?
Terima Kasih

Hasim said...

Terima kasih atas pertanyaannya Mbak Upi. Dari Bandarlampung ke Krui via Kota Agung sekitar 6-7 jam kalau dengan mobil pribadi, kalau dengan bus sekitar7-8 jam. Dari kalideres ke Krui sekitar 18 jam. Kondisi jalan Bandar Lampung-Kota Agung-Krui saat ini relatif bagus, hanya ada sedikit yang rusak, yaitu di daerah sekitar Sedayu.

Anonymous said...

pa...numpang nanya....kalo bus dari krui ada yang ke bandara raden intan? bisa minta jadwalnya..., kalo malo ada ga ya? terima kasih....

Hasim said...

tidak ada bus dari Krui ke bandara Raden Intan, tapi bus dari Krui yang menuju Bandarlampung lewat Liwa melewati bandara Raden Intan. Kalau Anda mau ke bandara RI dari Krui, Anda bisa naik bus yang lewat Liwa.

MULTIMEDIA SMKN 5 BU on July 26, 2011 at 5:17 PM said...

Assalamu'alaikum Pak Hasyim..Senang sekali bisa menemukan orang Krui di dunia Maya. Nyakku jema minang kinangni jak sd sampai sma tinggal di kampung sawah krui, Krui adalah kota yang takkan terlupakan..izinkan saya jadi member...thanx

fatidha on August 4, 2011 at 12:07 PM said...

Assalamu'alaikum pak Hasyim, mohon jadwal bus krui yang dari Giham sukamaju lampung barat menuju Jakarta, adanya jam berapa dan hari apa aja? soalnya mo buat balik setelah lebaran.


Hasim said...

@Fathida: Kayaknya kalau lagi lebaran setiap hari ada bus yang ke Jakarta. Di Giham Sukamaju kayaknya ada loket KP juga, bisa ditanyakan di sana soal jadwalnya. tapi saya perhatikan, kalau lebaran setiap hari bus KP penuh, sepertinya tidak perlu mendaftar, siapa cepat dia dapat, gitu. Tapi untuk lebih jelasnya ditanyakan aja langsung nanti kalau sudah di Giham.

Stan Tam on May 14, 2012 at 3:28 AM said...

Hi Hasim,

How long it takes from Jakarta to Krui? If I take the 14:00 a/c bus?

Thanks in advance

Hasim said...

Mr. Tam.

If you take the 14.00 bus then you'll be arriving in Krui at about 6 o'clock in the morning the next day, and so if you start from Krui to Jakarta.

Thsnk you for your comment

Stan Tam on May 30, 2012 at 1:27 PM said...

Thanks Hasim,

I booked my ticket to jakarta and will probably take the 14.00 bus to krui.

May I know if the bus I taking has only one route? If I want to stay at Karang Nyimbur, which stop should I get off? Should I get off at the terminal and then take another 'taxi' to the losmen?

Thank you again for the info:)


Hasim said...

Hi Stan,

If you take a through bus from Jakarta to Krui, then it will get to Krui via the hill only (not via the beach). So you must get off at Krui, and continue your journey to Karang Nyimbur (where the surf hub is) by taxi. In Krui, you can get off at the bus office near Sempana Lima Hotel, and get a taxi from there. Otherwise, you can just stay in town for a night (or for the whole holiday). There are hotels and surf camps in Krui too. Many surfers stay in Krui, whether at the hotels in town or at the surf camps by the beach.

Thank you for your comment.


dhita_bibir on June 1, 2012 at 7:57 PM said...

hello pak hassim.. kalo mau ke krui dari jakarta kita harus berangkat dari kampung rambutan ya? kira2 busnya ada yg jam brp aja ya? dan perjalanannya berapa jam? terima kasih. :)

Hasim said...

Helo Dhita,

Bisa dari Kampung Rambutan bisa juga dari Kalideres. Berangkat dari Jakarta biasanya pukul 11 pagi dan pukul 01 siang.

Maksih ya komentarnya

Unknown on July 30, 2012 at 8:37 PM said...

Halo Pak Hasim,
Kalau dari Kp.Rambutan, tiketnya beli dimana? Apakah ada Agent-nya selain di dalam terminal Kp.Rambutan?
Harga tiket ke Krui berapa untuk yang AC dan Non AC? Tarif saat sekitar awal Agustus 2012?
Terima kasih

Hasim said...

Sepertinya tidak ada agen di luar terminal, jadi kalau mau beli tiket langsung aja di terminal KR. Tarif hari biasa biasanya Rp.135.000

Unknown on September 14, 2012 at 1:04 AM said...

pak hasim...

berapa tarif bus krui putra dari terminal rajabasa ke krui ?
dan apakah terminal di krui dekat dengan pasar krui dan hotel hotel murah disana ?

Hasim said...

Rp.40.000. Ya, terminal di Krui dekat pasar dan hotel murah.

danang dwi darmawan on September 20, 2012 at 6:37 AM said...

maaf,, mau tanya.. berhubung saya ada rencana ke manna pada bulan november mendatang,,,

1. Apakah Krui putra trayeknya sampai manna
2. Jam keberangkatan dari jakarta
3. Tarif bis dan fasilitas yang diberikan ( berapa kali makannya )
4. Waktu tempuh sampai manna

Terima kasih atas bantuannya

Hasim said...

1. Ya. Trayek Krui Putra sampai Manna.
2. Kalau dari Jakarta kurang tahu, tapi kalau dari Krui sekitar pukul 7 malam.
3. Biasanya tidak disediakan makan.
4. Dari Jakarta sampai Manna kira-kira 24 jam.

Unknown on December 23, 2012 at 2:27 PM said...

Ikutan tanya gan, untuk ticket jakarta kemanna sampai berapa gan,

Unknown on December 21, 2013 at 12:54 PM said...

Pak hasim, kalo berngkt dari manna ke kp.rmbtan berapa biayanya, yg biasa dn AC? Terus berapa lama perjalanannya pak ...

Andirois on March 14, 2016 at 11:43 AM said...

Maaf pak hasim boleh minta no hpnya saya kerap kali pulang pergi dari tanjung karang ke krui penengahan..

Hasim said...

No. HP Krui Putra: 02154392474 (Jakarta)

Unknown on August 20, 2016 at 9:42 PM said...

Maaf tarif po.krui putra vip,kalideres - krui brp ya?

Anonymous said...

Maaf mau tanya kalau dari bengkulu brangkat jam berapa ya? Boleh minta nomer hp loket yh d bengkulu mas

Unknown on February 14, 2017 at 6:15 PM said...

Kalo alamt loket ny yg di bengkulu di mna ya mas.??

adzinsetiaji on March 2, 2017 at 2:51 PM said...

selamat sore pak hasim ,, untuk PO KRUI ada bus pariwisatanya kah?
insya allah kami mau charter

Unknown on July 5, 2020 at 3:51 AM said...

Hey! I am getting bored, please fchat with me ;) ;) ;) …████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

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