June Heats 20: The Peak and Krui Left

Krui surfs were working this morning, though not very big. When I arrived at the beach at 8:50, Krui Left was almost flat like a floor, but I saw one surfer in the water. The swells came after some time, one by one, about one and a half feet to two feet. The surfer in the water seemed to just hanging out. In ten to fifteen minutes as I stayed watching, he pr she didn’t catch any wave at all.

Turning to The Peak, I saw two body boarders in the water. Then came another body boarder to make three. Not long after that, came another body boarder with a photographer. And then came one surfer. Then came another body boarder lady so there were six surfers and a photographer in the water.

The Peak was big enough. It was about two to three feet, smaller than the other days. But it was enough for the surfers to have fun. Meanwhile, the break to the left of The Peak, The Leftover, was also working, though not big either. I saw two surfers there in the water.  

And when I returned to Krui Left at about 10:30, I saw two surfers in the water. But it was still small. And when the two surfers stopped and got out of the water about 10:45, Krui Left left empty.

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