June Heats 14: Krui Left and The Peak

Krui surfs this morning were just like they were yesterday, only there were more people. The Peak was just as big as yesterday, and when I arrived there at about 9 past something, I saw seven people in the water, mainly body boarders. And the number remained unchanged until I left the place at 10 past something.

Turning to Krui Left, I saw five or six people about to get ready to go into the water. Krui Left was like deceptive this morning. If you look into the sea, it looked almost flat, no swell, but after sometime, small swells come, and later came some other big ones. When it was small, it got about one and a half feet, but when it’s getting bigger, it could get three and a half feet.

However, some of the surfers, elder ones, got out of the water earlier, whether unintentionally because they got washed ashore by the wave, or they just got enough for the morning. Younger surfers remained in the water until about 10:40. And when I left the place there were more surfers  coming, by bikes and by cars. 

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