Karang Nyimbur, or Ujung Bocor, or whatever you call it, is truly the Holy Grail of Indo surfs. People from everywhere around the world pack here for that precious grail. For those who demand quality, Karang Nyimbur is the right choice.
Karang Nyimbur is the real name of the Place given by locals, while Ujung Bocor is a name given by Nev Hines (deceased), one of Kui surfs trackblazer in mid 90s. ‘Karang’ and ‘nyimbur’ is local word for 'reefs', and 'splashes', hence, ‘Karang Nyimbur’ is like ‘Splashing Reefs,’ or 'Reefs that Splash,' meaning, you’ll get splashed when you stand up on the reefs. (And you can see the explanation of the name ‘Ujung Bocor’ here).
The name ‘Ujung Bocor’ sound funny for locals. ‘Ujung’ commonly means ‘end', or 'tip’ rather than ‘point’, while ‘bocor’ can mean ‘leak’ or ‘diarrhea’, hence ‘Ujung Bocor’ can mean ‘’leak at the end’, or ‘leak from the end’’. And it will be funnier for some hardcore people.
Karang Nyimbur is located about 22 km from downtown of Krui. You can take 20-30 minutes to get there by bike, depending on your bike condition and how well you ride the bike.
Karang Nyimbur, or Ujung Bocor, or whatever you call it, is a very consistent, long and powerful wave that almost on all day long.
Karang Nyimbur, the other day, was consistent as usual. There were 20, or may be 30 people on the water when these pictures were taken, at about 2 pm past something. The weather was clear and the water was clean. Some women sunbathed at the sand, while some men walking down the reefs looking for their lost friend.
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