October Fest 1: Krui Left

October is coming. And it was a good beginning. When I came to the beach at about 8:40 this morning, Krui Left was working though not very consistent. Sometimes the swells looked like three feet high, but most of the time it was just as small as two feet. I saw four surfers in the water, but just a few minutes later came more surfers, so it made about ten surfers altogether when I left the place at about 9:30. The Right wasn’t working as big and nobody was seen surfing.

However, when I turned to The Peak, the surf was working small and nobody out. It was probably the smallest  in this last week. This surfer told me that it supposed to be big today according to the surf forecast that he read online. He also told me that he had come to check LA before he came to The Left. He said that there was about ten people surfing LA earlier in the morning from six o’clock. But when I came to check it later at about 10:00,the surf was still working about two feet but the surfers  were winding down and nobody was seen in the water but a white guy and a girl in the sand who seemed to have just finished surfing.

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